2021 Crooked Treehouse Shop Update!

Hello from the Treehouse!

First of all, Jac and I would like to send you all a hearty thank you for sticking with us through a tough year. I know a lot of you have been wondering how we’re doing, how our plans are going, and how the future looks for the Treehouse, so here’s a long anticipated update.

Well, the big thing is we all made it through 2020. 😉

We are fortunate enough that none of us have gotten sick – knock on wood and all that – and even though we did close the physical store for a couple of months we’re still here and happily open again. We are still observing safety protocols. Since our store is tiny, we ask that no more than 2 people or 1 family unit come in at a time, and that everyone wears masks. We’re almost to the vaccination point, so lets keep staying safe!

We have had some inventory hiccups thanks to COVID, but not too terrible. We are running low on some crystals since we haven’t been able to make it to all of our usual crystal shows, but we should make it to another one within the next couple of months.

How about our plans for the shop itself? Weren’t we talking about expanding?

I imagine it surprises no one that the last year delayed those plans. However, the plans are not scrapped. We still have a friend hoping to buy the building, with the understanding that if he does the Treehouse will double in size as part of the building renovations. Pretty cool, hmm? Both rooms at the front of the building would become the shop.

In the short term, we’re working on a new sign to hang over the front door. Two years of rain and humidity have not been kind to the big shop sign!

We’re also working on a major online shop update. Instead of it having everything we might possibly carry, we’re going to focus it on our special products and things we know we can get to you right away. It does not make sense for our website to be everything to everyone – we want to focus on what makes the Treehouse special.

Coming up, our first event of 2021 looks like it will be a Beltane event in Reidsville. It’s a first year event and we’re so excited! She’s got awesome things planned, so you should come check it out.

Oh! And Jac and I are both working on designing our own tarot decks! How cool is that??? It’s been a dream project, and really fun as we’ve been sharing our card interpretations with each other. It’s been a great learning experience and artistic push, and we’re only about a month in to working on it. So stay tuned!

As we get serious about planning the year ahead, please feel free to let us know how we can help you! Any products you are looking for or things you would like to learn?